Tuesday, November 4, 2014

12th Man

We went to a football game with John and Sandy. It was a ton of fun. We ate hot dogs and nachos and very much enjoyed our experience.


Here are some more pictures from Franklin.

Halloween! In these pictures Alice was a witch. I am so glad I stuck to my reasoning mom mind. She kept telling me that she was going to be Sophia for the trunk or treat at the church. For days she would tell me this. And then a few hours before the trunk or treat she changed her mind. Then for days before Halloween she told me she was going to be Doc McStuffins. I was tempted to make her a costume but had a hunch she would change her mind. Oh, she did! I was right. She decided just a few hours before trick or treating that she would be a witch. Thank you to Sierra for making "W"itch hats for W day this week in preschool. :)

Annie fell in love with someone this weekend. It was Grandpa.

Way to go dad. He made Alice an awesome witch broom. Annie was a duck for Halloween. Lots of people wanted to give Alice extra candy as she was trick or treating so that she could share with her cute little duck, Alice said no. :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Franklin Drive Thru Safari

In a little place called Franklin is a Drive Thru Safari. There are animals to see in cages that you can look at and then they give you a large bucket of feed and you head back into your car. You drive through the rest of the place with your bucket of feed and here is what happens... AHHH a large animal head is coming through my window!

We learned how to feed the animals and keep them from coming all the way in our car. It was so much fun! Here are some more pictures.

List of animals we remember seeing: emu, ostrich, deer, peacock, piglets, boars, zebra, camel, lama, giraffes, long horned cows, kangaroo, roosters, monkeys, snake, mules, shetlend ponies, wambat, wildabeast, water buffalo, shaggy cow thing. It was cool. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Around the House

There is so much going on at the house. I just love spending time together. Annie is sad in this picture because Alice gets to lick some of the cake batter. Annie can't have nay yet.
 Alice picking the weeds that look like flowers.
 Our attempts at a family picture :)

 Annie climbed into her bouncer all by herself! This is her proud face. She makes it when she is walking and holding onto our fingers now.
 Playing in the rain.

Zip lining

This was so awesome. I am so glad we went.


We had the opportunity to go to the temple in Houston in August. It was so great. Trevor went with the youth from the ward and I went early in the morning while he watched the kidlets. We called our friends that live in Houston and we stayed with them the night before. We were able to play games with them late at night and Alice was so excited to have a sleep over. It was a win, win!
 These pictures are not from Houston. They are from home. Annie tipped over half of the play house one day and the girls both loved playing inside it. The "boat" is now a regular occurance at our house.

 I only have pictures of Alice with the temple because I was holding Annie and didn't feel comfortable setting her down on the cement. It was hot and hard so she helped me take pictures.
 Here is our only picture of the three of us. Trevor was inside the temple at this point. Annie's facial expression is awesome!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Idaho Falls

We had a great time visiting the Terrill side of the family. The weather was great and everyone loved seeing each other. The adults had a good time staying up late and playing games. Alice LOVED seeing her cousins and Annie enjoyed meeting a new friend named Mr. Porter. :)
When we got into Idaho Falls it was really late. It felt really cold for us because we were coming from Texas. The last time we were in Idaho was December and there was snow. One of Alice's first questions was "You have snow Grandma?"  She fell easily asleep on the car ride home.

These are awesome pictures. The three girls Addy, Brylee, and Alice ran a real race, just like Grandma. They got a shirt and a medal. Oh they had such a great time. It was at Eagle's Landing or something like that. But oh it was so great. Each of them really did "run." Alice's legs were so tired by about a quarter of the way in. Grandpa Terrill came to our rescue! He had just finished a very long bike ride but he put Alice on his shoulders and walked her until we could see the finish line. Then Alice got down and ran across the finish line. We were the very last one. But that is okay because we were also one of the very youngest :)

 Annie loved baby Porter. He had great toys that he shared and he was really good at jumping in the bouncer.

The girls loved playing together and the tramp was so fun!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Olsen visit

It was fun to have family visit us and see where we were living. We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Olsen. Obviously Alice had a great time since many of the attractions we went to were planned around what she would enjoy. We did also go to the space center which was really fun.

We went to a chocolate factory in Bryan. Our favorite things there were the step stools to see threw the windows and the cheesecake (ironically).

Grandpa and Grandma brought presents for the girls! Minnie took up an entire carry-on by herself.

We fed the ducks and turtles.

  Went to the Bush Library which was great and even had great kids stuff that Alice loved. Annie rolled around on the floor and smiled at people.

Rode the tram tour at the space center in Houston.