Saturday, August 16, 2014

Olsen visit

It was fun to have family visit us and see where we were living. We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Olsen. Obviously Alice had a great time since many of the attractions we went to were planned around what she would enjoy. We did also go to the space center which was really fun.

We went to a chocolate factory in Bryan. Our favorite things there were the step stools to see threw the windows and the cheesecake (ironically).

Grandpa and Grandma brought presents for the girls! Minnie took up an entire carry-on by herself.

We fed the ducks and turtles.

  Went to the Bush Library which was great and even had great kids stuff that Alice loved. Annie rolled around on the floor and smiled at people.

Rode the tram tour at the space center in Houston.

Friday, August 15, 2014


We have had a significant update and addition to our family... Annie! She is wonderful. I love being a mom of two. I really feel so happy about it. And Annie is wonderful. If we wanted to describe her personality, we would tell you that she is a happy baby. She is very cute.

Annalyse Morgan Terrill was born on the 11th of December in St. Lukes in Boise. We were glad Dr. Klomp found time for her and made the hospital find room for us so we could induce her. I was also glad I was already technically have contractions when we got to the hospital.

We wanted Annie to be the first baby blessed in 2014 (just kidding) so we had her blessed on January 1st at around 8:30 I think. It was that day that I was leaving Trevor with his parents and I was going to take the girls with me to Boise. Trevor would leave in a few days to go to Texas with his mom and dad to move down his stuff and I would stay with my family and recover. So, my parents drove from Boise to Idaho Falls and we had the blessing that day so that both grandpas could be there. It was in the Terrill's living room and Bishop Hildibrant was there. Annie will wonder if her parent's were inactive or something because we didn't do the blessing at the church, but it was because we chose to do it with family and that was the only day that worked. Her blessing dress was one that Great Grandma Donna Olsen had found and when we were going through her things after she passed away my mom got it and gave it to me, so it is a treasure.

Annie gets lots of loving from her big sister.